ECDRA wins the Chas Hayes memorial 2017 pennant.

East Central District Rifle Association team won both the final round and the overall Chas Hayes memorial 2017 pennant on Saturday.

The final round of this long range pennant was shot over two stages at 800 yards on the Karramomus Range. Going into the final round it was the ECDRA team and the Shepparton / Natalia team who were both on equal points so all interest was focused on these two teams.

The conditions were far from ideal the blustery North Westerly wind was due to change however nobody was prepared to the 50 to 60 kph winds that scythed through the range just after 3:00pm changing the wind to a West - South Westerly. Shooters on average that had to shoot in these conditions dropped 5 - 6 points.

Matt Frazer led the ECDRA team off with 59.4 (1.6 points off a best score while David Black (Australian Team Member) led for Shepparton/Natalia with a 49.5 (1.5 points of best score). This set the pattern until ECDRA Des Coulter shot a brilliant 60.6 (0.4 off a best score). If there was any doubt about how serious the match was this Des's shoot put all doubts aside.

On the first stage only Katandra's P O'Dwyer 50.6, Nagambie's S Fella 50.5, C Warnie 60.4 and J Melbourne outstanding 60.7 could equal Des's score. All with possibles (The highest score possible)

As stage 2 started there was nothing in the match. Matt again lead off with a 59.5 while David Black shot a maximum 50.6 and it was the Karramomus team who hit their straps with P Betts and P Daldy both shooting 50.8 and Shepparton/Nathalia's Robert Stuart a 50. For the ECDRA Vaughn Murphy shot, a mind boggling, 60.9 with an incredible vertical spread of just 102mm for his 10 scoring shots.

Vaughn Murphy

Vaughn Murphy ( foreground shooter on the grass) at 800 yards drawing a fine bead as he shots his way to a brilliant 60.9 ( just 0.1 off a perfect score) under the very watchful attention off coach Geoff James, seated on the left. The little green computers with “ears” are the shooters monitors for the Hex System Electronic targets. The E Targets have transformed the sport.

To top it off Des Coulter shot a 60.5 the only shooter to shoot the maximum score possible on the day. This sealed the win for the ECDRA with a handicap score of 619 just 5 points ahead of Shepparton /Natalia 614 points. Karramomus finished in third on 587, Nagambie 485 and Katandra 121.

The overall pennant result being decided by ECDRA's win with a tally of 14 points over the three rounds; followed by Shepparton Nathalia on 13 points; Nagambie 8 points; Karramomus 7 points; Katandra 3 points.

A feature of the ECDRA team all year has been their consistency and their ability to shoot to their handicap. Credit must also go to Captain Marty Kelly in the way he led the team and to the coaches Geoff James, Graeme Kerr and Marty Kelly a great effort by all and especially for Geoff as he applied over 60 years experience to gain the position of head coach. Geoff will be 82 next birthday and Norm Lienhan over 85 showing age is no barrier.

ECDRA individual scores were: Top scorer for both ECDRA and overall on the day Des Coulter 60.6, 60.5 = 120.11, Vaughan Murphy 58.6, 60.9 = 118.15 Matt Frazer 58.4, 59.5 = 117.9, Marty Kelly 57.3, 59.4 = 116.7, Graeme Kerr 58.3, 58.3 = 116.6, Neal Hambridge 56.1, 57.3 = 113.4, Paul Watkins 56.4, 56.2 = 112.6, Norm Lienhan 57.4, 55.3 = 112.6, David Wallace 58.3, 52.2 = 110.5 and Geoff James 56.3, 51 = 107.3. Special thanks to Rosco Davis for keeping the scores all day, Brain Houlihan who came to support the team and for the return to the range the club President Robert Chaffe.

It was the first time Robert has been on the range this year due a serious medical condition. Over the traditional cuppa with a delicious spread of afternoon tea, Robert was given a very warm welcome back with best wishes that he may be back shooting soon.

With the pennant season rapped up with a victory to ECDRA the conversation moved to the State Champions of Champions Match held on the State Range at Bendigo that Matt (F class open) and Marty (F class standard) will contest for the ECDRA as well as the State Team championship where the ECDRA will contest the 5 shooter F class Standard Team and a 5 shooter F Open Team competition.


On a lighter note the Spring Dragon Diesel Challenge ( Deer Hunters Vs Target shooters) is on on Saturday October 14, this fun day is not to be missed and is just what the ECDRA team need as a break and chance to get their gear in perfect order for the Sate titles.