Australian Deer Association VS ECDRA

Dragon Diesel Challenge "comes home"

Saturday April 7 was the day the East Central District Rifle Association and fellow "target shooters" were looking forward to for some time, the Autumn Dragon Diesel Challenge.  There was a determination to win back the perpetual team trophy from the Australian Deer Association Upper Goulburn Branch “hunters".  Needless to say the hunters were of an equally strong determination to keep the team trophy.

Dragon Diesel 1

The day was perfect in every way even that Violet Town wind was just a zephyr and very kind to the shooters. The challenge is designed to test marksman ship across the board cross section of shooting disciplines  beginning with the “Billy Sing” 5 shots from a cold barrel over 300 yards from the prone position. The “stalker” being 5 shots from a hunting position over 240 yards again no sighters then finally the “houndsman” five shots standing at 100 yards in the “off hand” position, no sighters.  

Dragon Diesel 2

The scores from the “stalker” and “Houdsman” count for the Dragon Diesel team challenge where the average score of the contestants decide the result and the “Target Shooters” team finished with an average score of 29.2 and the “Hunters” an average score of 27.7 giving the “Target Shooters” the trophy by 1.5 points!

One feature of the Dragon Diesel Challenge is the way the participants have improved their shooting skills where everyone now expects a good score with a cold barrel, the shot for the hunter that is vital for the humane dispatch of the hunted be it game or vermin. Winners of the individual competitions were:  The Billy Sing ‘field Class’ won by David Wallace (ECDRA) 28.1,  Billy Sing ‘precision rifle’ Graeme Kerr (ECDRA) 29.2.  The stalker, David Wallace (ECDRA) 23 out of 25 second Peter Daldy (Target shooter) 22.  Dragon Diesel Challenge individual Peter Daldy (Target shooter) 20 and second  David Wallace (ECDRA) 16.  Gnarly Old War horse (SMLE 303) Wally Dergacz ‘hunter’.   Houndsman and Dragon Diesel Ladies Challenge, Courtney Britland (hunter) 21, second Rod Jones (hunter) 20. Junior Dragon Diesel Challenge individual was won by Abby Jones (hunter) with a very fine 20 In the Houndsman ‘off hand’ 100 yard event.

WallyPeter Daldy




















The day was voted as a great success by everyone and the exchange of recipes for game dishes again filled much of the conversation over the tea breaks and lunch, as the real secret is in the way the food is prepared.  We can be assured of this continuing at the next Dragon Diesel Challenge, the exchange of  game sausages and salami was a real hit and we can but wait to see if they match the improvement in marksmanship.   Just another reason why the Dragon Diesel is now a firm fixture on the shooting calendar, many thanks to the ECDRA hosts and the 240 volt power supply was very much appreciated by those looking for a cuppa throughout the day.  Thanks to our major sponsor Dragon Diesel who ensure this event continues.  Too much fun to miss, the next challenge is in late Spring.
